Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Game Winner

Author's Note: I decided to write a prediction to this book because i am reading it now and i am into the book a lot and i thought because i m not done it would be a great piece to do a prediction.

Creative Scene:

5,4,3,2.............1 The shot goes up and....errrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! He got it a three at the buzzer to beat Bradley the #1 Team in the state. This was for the state title and Drew Lawson hit a game winner. This was by far the biggest shot of the young man's career.  After the game Drew got many scouts from colleges such as Minnesota, Depaul and Betune Cookman Which had a smoking basketball team. Although he got wonderful offers from all of those great schools he decided to go to Rutgers because he wanted to stay by his sister and mother because Rutgers University is right downtown.


1. The First Reason i beileve this will happen is because In the book on pages 170 and 129 There were scouts scouting him and one of those was from Depaul University. But not only but in the book Drew Says "I would love to stay close to home and play ball" to his mom. That is why I have him going to Rutgers which is really close to home.

2. When Drew hits the game winner i have that happening becuase in the story he passes to tomas and he hits the game winner and gets all the credit that is why in the end i think it will be Drew who gets the last laugh and make his own game winner. 

3. The reason why i dont think he should go to bethune cookman a smoking program is because the only reason was most great programs wanted only white kids then. Becuase this was taking place when race was a bigger problem

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