Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Decision of a Lifetime

Author's Note: I wrote this piece because i wanted to show the reader the conflict and resolution of the story the Last Shot.

Over 75,000 people come to one of the greatest sporting events there is. The Final Four. To have somebody throw the Final Four game would be terrible. But that’s what almost happened in the book Last Shot By John Feinstien. The main conflict in this story is the star player of Minnesota State’s team Chip Graber is getting blackmailed  and told to throw the game (Person vs. Person). If he doesn’t throw the game his two 14 year old reporter friends will be kidnapped and held.

The conflict gets resolved by the kids who got kidnapped getting free. After they got free they went to Chip’s game. When they got there they found out that he was losing. He was only losing though because the wanted his friends to be back and free. When Chip saw the kids he started trying again. The game ended by Chip Graber hitting a game winning shot.  After the game they found out that Dean Wojenski who is  Chip’s dads friend was the person that was doing all the blackmailing.

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